[vtkusers] Cut function from geometry

David.Pont at ForestResearch.co.nz David.Pont at ForestResearch.co.nz
Thu Apr 15 17:58:25 EDT 2004

Hi Marian,
   vtkProbeFilter is what you want
Dave P

                      "Saeger, Marian"                                                                                                               
                      <Marian.Saeger at ea        To:       "'vtkusers at vtk.org'" <vtkusers at vtk.org>                                                     
                      ds.net>                  cc:                                                                                                   
                      Sent by:                 Subject:  [vtkusers] Cut function from geometry                                                       
                      vtkusers-admin at vt                                                                                                              
                      15/04/2004 21:29                                                                                                               


I'm searching for an option to display scalar grid data on an irregular
geometry surface. Best option would be if the surface could be used somehow
as cut function for vtkCutter or something like that.

Unfortunately, i'm a little bit lost in the classes-jungle of vtk, and my
ordered books haven't arrived yet. =)

So i would appreciate any hint on that, thanks in advance...

Greetings, Marian
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