[vtkusers] Re: [Insight-users] volume of ITK segmented data in a vtkVolume

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Apr 15 13:40:39 EDT 2004

Hi Wagner,

The 'Volume' concept is represented in ITK with the itk::Image class.

ITK supports N-Dimensional images. Therefore the equivalent of a volume
is any image of type:

       #include "itkImage.h"
       typedef  itk::Image< PixelType, 3 > ImageType;

You can easily convert ITK images into vtkImageData volumes by using
the filters available in the InsightApplications checkout. You will
find those filters under:


You may find useful to read the initial chapters of the SoftwareGuide
in order to get familiar with these fundamental concepts in ITK.


The itk::Image<> class is described in detail in
the "Data Representation" chapter.

Please let us know if you encounter any problems,



Wagner Sales wrote:

> Hi all,
> First, sorry by the continue asking.
> Well, since the ITK are only to process the images, I think someone in 
> this list may be was the some problem I have now when was integrated 
> I'm using ITK to read some images in a serie and performing segmation 
> operations in this images. Note: after the ITK load, I will not read 
> anymore, since I have the processed data in memory. For example, I have 
> only the brain after segmentation.
> Afther these operations, I want to create volume to display. I was 
> thinked in some aproaches:
> 1 - To create a vtkVolume and put these images, then use the 
> interpolation and display it. Problem: I don't have ( or not founded ) 
> some method like: SetImageData( *data, int sliceNumber, float 
> slicePosition, float sliceAxis ). Instead, I have the vtkVolume16Reader, 
> but this read a couple of images in a directory. Mathieu was sugered to 
> save the segmented images and after that, load in a volume. In a large 
> dataset, the IO will very expensive.
> 2 - To create something like a volume in ITK and after that, convert to 
> VTK. But, in this case: I wasn't founded the concept "volume" on ITK, 
> and I don't know how make the interpolation ( my images aren't 
> contiguous, I have "blank" space between ). After that I will put in VTK
> Well, if someone knows how to make that, or another more efficient ( may 
> be more correct aproach ),
> Cheers
> PS: These message will be posted in the both lists ( vtk and itk users ) 
> because the both toolkits are involved.
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