[vtkusers] Documentation

Jeff Lee jeff at cdnorthamerica.com
Wed Apr 7 12:17:11 EDT 2004

I guess one way would be to e-mail the person who wrote the class with 
your improvements.  You could also just cvs-co the code and make the 
change yourself.  Or mabey even file a bug report to get the attention 
of the developer...  Not really sure how other open-source projects 
handle stuff like that (most aren't equipped),  but I would tend to 
classify unclear documentation as a bug (especially since the 
documentation is generated directly from the source code), and it should 
be fixed by the original developer if possible.  So I'd say file a bug 
report.  It's nice to have bugs like that, 'cause they are easy to fix :).

Kevin Wright wrote:

> Hi All,
> Is there a set way to make or suggest modifications to the class 
> reference documentation?  Whenever I come across a function with an 
> ambiguous, or incomplete description, I feel it would be pretty easy 
> to send off a quick modification, but I usually don't have a tip 
> version of the code, so even if I did modify my header file, I 
> couldn't really just send that in.  If there is no path to do that, 
> does anyone else think there should be?
> Kevin.

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