[vtkusers] staking a seires of bmp files

megha agarwal megha_agar at yahoo.co.in
Tue Apr 6 08:18:42 EDT 2004

dear frens
> as directed by you, i have tried reading a series of bmp files, but i am
> unable to do so.
> here is the code that i have used
> # For 512 x 512 images foo1 to foo100
> vtkBMPReader* bmp_d = vtkBMPReader::New();
> bmp_d->SetFilePrefix ("c:/foo"); // base file prefix for a series
> bmp_d->SetFilePattern ("%s%d.bmp");
> bmpData->SetDataExtent (0,511,0,511,1,100);
> vtkPolyDataMapper *mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
> mapper->SetInput( (vtkPolyData*) bmp_d->GetOutput());
> vtkRenderer* ren = vtkRenderer::New();
> vtkRenderWindow* renwin = vtkRenderWindow::New();
> renwin->AddRenderer (ren);
> vtkActor* actor = vtkActor::New();
> actor->SetMapper (mapper);
> ren->AddActor (actor);
> renwin->Render();
  Is there some error in the pipeline that i have used.
> Please suggest
> Thanks for your help in advance
> Megha

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