[vtkusers] vtkFlRenderWindowInteractor

Fabio De Pascalis fabio.depascalis at brindisi.enea.it
Thu Apr 1 10:53:55 EST 2004

Hello everyone 

I'm trying to use vtkFlRenderWindowInteractor on Linux (Caldera)
Then I have downloaded the example Cone3.cxx
I'm able to compile and link the program, but when i launch  execute it give me the following error:

    segmentation fault.

I'm using the KDE 1.4 to develop the software with the following setting:

Linker Options: -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/root/vtk/bin -lvtkPatented  -lvtkImaging -lvtkGraphics -lvtkCommon -lvtkPatented -                        lvtkRendering-lfltk_images -lfltk_gl -lfltk_forms -lfltk -lXt -lSM -llCE -lGLU -lGL -ldl -lpthread

Could someone help me?...Thanks
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