[vtkusers] VTK/Matlab almost auto mexifier

Satrajit Ghosh satra at bu.edu
Sat Sep 27 12:21:26 EDT 2003

Hi Philipp,

1. The website was down due to a change of script permissions. It's back up

2. The basic idea is that you create a matlab structure that stores
information about the VTK pipeline and specify what the input and output
type is. Then the vtkmex script takes this information and creates a C++ mex
file that implements the pipeline. Currently it does not have an option for
rendering in it. But the next release will have it. A lot of it is based on
code snippets and is a very simple idea. If you could send me your volume
rendering code, I could incorporate that into the script.

Take care,


-----Original Message-----
From: Philipp.Batchelor [mailto:philipp.batchelor at kcl.ac.uk] 
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 9:08 AM
To: Satrajit Ghosh
Cc: vtkusers at vtk.org

Satrajit Ghosh wrote:
> Dear fellow VTK users,
> A VTK/Matlab (nearly auto C++ mexifier) script has been made available 
> at the following location.
> 	http://www.cns.bu.edu/~speech/VTK.php
> Currently it can create any pipeline that has the following 
> input/output
> mapping:
> Volume input --> polydata output
> polydata input --> polydata output
> I have been primarily working with 3D volumes and triangular meshes. I 
> believe that the output can be a polydata structure but the input 
> needs to be a triangular mesh.
> A version with an optional VTK render window at the end of the 
> pipeline should be available shortly, which means you can use full VTK 
> OpenGL acceleration from within Matlab :)
> Would appreciate any feedback.
> Take care,
> Satra

Hi Satra,
I have been playing with VTK in Matlab recently, and I'm certainly
interested in giving feedback on your script if I can try it, but the link
gives me an 'Error 403 Access Forbidden'. How would you use this script? I'm
not sure I understand its use.

PS: for the moment I use mostly a matlab function I called 
'volumerender' which takes a matlab LxNxM data and uses vtk's volume 
rendering, and some polydata rendering.

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