[vtkusers] How can i calculate my new extent in Z after vtkImageReslice

marcelo oliveira oliveira_mc at yahoo.com.br
Mon Sep 22 10:19:45 EDT 2003

Hi user !!!!

I´m very in doubt !!!!

I have a stack of axial CT image

x = 512
y = 512
Z = 81

space x = 1
space y = 1
space z = 13.65

How can i caculate my new stack in Z when i Rotate Y
by 64 degrees

i try 

double ZExtent = 

                  //90-64 degrees 
spaceZ = 13.65 / sin(1.54-1.11);
spaceZ = sqrt( pow( (13.65 * 80), 2 ) + 
pow( spaceZ, 2 ) ) / ZExtent ;


reslice->SetOutputOrigin( 0.0, 0.000, 0.00 );
reslice->SetOutputExtent( -2000.00, 2000.00, -2000.00,
2000.00, 000.00, ZExtent);
reslice->SetOutputSpacing( 1.00, 1.00, spaceZ );

cos( -rotacaoImagem ), 0, sin(-rotacaoImagem),
0, 1, 0,
-sin(-rotacaoImagem), 0, cos(-rotacaoImagem)

Is right ????

Tanks a lot for help me !!!!!!1


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