[vtkusers] (no subject)

David.Pont at ForestResearch.co.nz David.Pont at ForestResearch.co.nz
Thu Oct 30 17:59:26 EST 2003

   I see vtkThresholdTextureCoords may be a better way to use transparency
to remove regions than vtkLookupTable, see the example texThresh.tcl.
    Dave P

|         |           Julian Yu-Chung  |
|         |           Chen             |
|         |           <ycc at nchc.org.tw>|
|         |           Sent by:         |
|         |           vtkusers-admin at vt|
|         |           k.org            |
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|         |                            |
|         |           30/10/2003 16:39 |
|         |                            |
  |                                                                                                                                |
  |       To:       vtkusers at vtk.org                                                                                               |
  |       cc:                                                                                                                      |
  |       Subject:  [vtkusers] (no subject)                                                                                        |

Hi all,

I've got a data using dataset: StructuredPoints(with z_dimension 1)
with attribute data: scalars. And I will make it warp according to the
the scalar value, then making a surface in VTK. The pipeline is pretty
much like this:

vtkStructuredPoints(set with vtkDoubleArray in points being get) ->
vtkWarpScalar -> Mapper -> Actor

And now here's the question, some grid points in the dataset, have no
scalar values at all. I would call it undefined. But using the pipeline
mentioned above, the scalars not assigned with be filled with zeros,
then the final visualization will reflect as the number implies. Can I
make those grid point with undefined scalars, being left with 'holes'
in the final warped visualization? Or maybe any alternative pipeline
arrangements suggested?

Thanks in advance!

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