[vtkusers] Slow rendering of derived class of vtkImplicitFunction

#LIM LAY NA# wolken at pmail.ntu.edu.sg
Wed Oct 8 01:29:46 EDT 2003

Hi all,

I'm having problems rendering my own derived class of

I'm trying to construct a blobby from scattered 3d points using the
gaussian equation

f(x,y,z) = Sum to k(B*exp(-ar^2))+Threshold, where r^2 is the distance 
to another pt and a, B are parameters to control the blobbiness.

The pipeline is

It takes about 1.5min to render the surface which is too long. It's
supposed to be almost instant because 

user interaction is needed. I've tried changing the contour filter to
vtkMarchingContourFilter but there

wasn't any improvement. Can anyone point out to me which part of the
pipeline is slowing it down or whether it

is anything to do with the code for the derived class. Thanks a lot.


// .NAME MyBlob - implicit function for blobby shape from 3D points

// .SECTION Description

// MyBlob computes the implicit function and/or gradient for a blobby
shape from a set of points.

// MyBlobis a concrete implementation of vtkImplicitFunction.


class MyBlob : public vtkImplicitFunction 




            void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);


            // Description

            // Construct blob with scale factor = 0.6, exp factor =
25.0, threshold = 0.5, delta = 0.0001

            static MyBlob *New();


            // Description

            // Evaluate blob equation

            float EvaluateFunction(float x[3]);

            float EvaluateFunction(float x, float y, float z)

this->vtkImplicitFunction::EvaluateFunction(x,y,z); };


            // Description

            // Evaluate blob gradient

            void EvaluateGradient(float x[3], float n[3]);


            // Description

            // Set all points used in implicit function

            void SetPoints(vtkPoints *allPts);


            // Description:

            // Set / get the bounds

            vtkSetVectorMacro(Bounds, float, 6);

            vtkGetVectorMacro(Bounds, float, 6);




            ~MyBlob() {};


            vtkPoints *allPts;

            float ExponentFactor, ScaleFactor, Threshold, Bounds[6];

            int numPts;

            float *x, *y, *z;





// Construct blob equation with default parameters 




            ExponentFactor = 25.0;

            ScaleFactor = 0.5;

            Threshold = 0.5;



// Input points needed to calculate the implicit function

void MyBlob::SetPoints(vtkPoints *allPts)


            float pt[3];





            this->allPts = allPts;

            this->numPts = allPts->GetNumberOfPoints();

            this->x = new float[this->numPts];

            this->y = new float[this->numPts];

            this->z = new float[this->numPts];

            for(int i = 0; i<this->numPts; i++)



                        this->x[i] = pt[0];

                        this->y[i] = pt[1];

                        this->z[i] = pt[2];




            for(i=0; i<6; i+=2)


                        this->Bounds[i] -= 110;


            for(i=1; i<6; i+=2)


                        this->Bounds[i] += 110;





// Evaluate blob equation

float MyBlob::EvaluateFunction(float xyz[3])


            float xx, yy, zz, distance;


            float sum = 0.0;

            float pt[3];


            if( this->allPts )


                        for(int i=0; i<numPts; i++)


                                    xx = xyz[0] - x[i];

                                    yy = xyz[1] - y[i];

                                    zz = xyz[2] - z[i];


                                    distance = sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy +


                                    sum = sum +




            return sum-Threshold;




// Evaluate blob gradient

void MyBlob::EvaluateGradient(float xyz[3], float n[3])


 float xx, yy, zz, distance;





 if( this->allPts )


  for(int i=0; i<numPts; i++)


   xx = xyz[0] - x[i]; 

   yy = xyz[1] - y[i]; 

   zz = xyz[2] - z[i]; 


   distance = sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy + zz*zz);


   n[0] = n[0] -(ScaleFactor*xx*exp(-distance/ExponentFactor))/distance;

   n[1] = n[1] -(ScaleFactor*yy*exp(-distance/ExponentFactor))/distance;

   n[2] = n[2] -(ScaleFactor*zz*exp(-distance/ExponentFactor))/distance;






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