[vtkusers] Problem using exporters

Carlos Martinez cmarbur at iti.upv.es
Tue Nov 25 04:16:11 EST 2003

Hi all.

I have some problem using vtkVRMLExporter. My system is a Linux RedHat 8 
with a VTK compitation of 2003/09/03. I use Java to program.

My problem is that when I run the program and export to VRML, I get a file
in which floating point use ',' instead of '.' as decimal separator. This
seems not to be good to VRML viewers. I have tried to do the same program
in cxx and then the output is OK. I have tried using other exporters and 
the same thing happens. I don't know how to solve it, have you a solution?

The problem seems to arise when a float is corverted from java to cxx, 
because the source code seems good: 

fprintf(fp,"  skyColor [%f %f %f, ]\n", background[0],background[1],

I don't know, I'm not sure.


Carlos Martínez Burgos      |     Instituto Tecnológico de Informática
Ingeniero Informático       |      Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Tlf: +34 963877237          |                        Camí de Vera, S/N
cmarbur at iti.upv.es          |                   46071 Valencia - Spain
www.iti.upv.es/~cmarbur     |                           www.iti.upv.es

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