[vtkusers] QVTKRenderWidget.py again, problem with layout management

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Fri May 23 04:18:39 EDT 2003

>>>>> "CY" == CEZARD Yann <Yann.CEZARD at ifp.fr> writes:

    CY> I will answer to myself, cause a cross posting on the pyKDE ML
    CY> gave me the solution.  I finally use
    CY> QVTKRenderWindowInteractor which work much better.  The last
    CY> version of this file, wich is not the one in the current VTK
    CY> CVS, can be found here :
    CY> http://gerard.vermeulen.free.fr/QVTKRenderWindowInteractor.py

    CY> PS: by the way, if someone could submit changes in the CVS,
    CY> because according to Gerard, this version corrects some bugs.

I've committed all the patches sent to me by Gerard this February and
the code in CVS mentions that.  I guess he has made more changes and
has not told us about it.  Perhaps he is still testing his code?  Let
me know if the code you have quoted above is ready to be committed to
CVS.  If it is I'll commit it shortly. 


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