[vtkusers] Fly through of pre-programmed flight path

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Fri Mar 28 10:42:43 EST 2003

>>>>> "RH" == Ross Hennessy <R.Hennessy at acfr.usyd.edu.au> writes:

    RH> Hi Everyone, I am trying to get an automated fly through of
    RH> polydata so that I can simply input a set of camera commands
    RH> like Dolly -> Roll ect. Along with how fast and far to perform
    RH> each one, then have it play like a movie for me. Is there a
    RH> tool for doing this in vtk? I had a go at using
    RH> vtkInteractorStyleFlight, and PerformAsimuthalScan looked like
    RH> the kind of routine I was after, but isn't implemented?

You might want to take a look at the vtkInteractorEventRecorder class.

  vtkInteractorEventRecorder - record and play VTK events passing
  through a vtkRenderWindowInteractor


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