[vtkusers] It's impossible to build VTK+Java in MacOS X

Carlos Martínez Burgos cmarbur at iti.upv.es
Tue Mar 11 05:06:44 EST 2003

Hi again.

Sorry, I have not explained myself. I can build VTK with Java wrapping 
using Carbon and Cocoa, but I can't use vtkPanel class. When I try tu run 
an example from Wrapping/Java nothing is shown. Can you run these 
examples? If you can do it, could you share a built version?

I understand what happens about Java and X11. Java is build to use it with 
Mac and not with X11, so JAWT_X11DrawingSurface is not defined. Instead 
JAWT_MacDrawingSurface is it.

I use a CVS downloaded (yesterday) version of VTK and CMake 1.6.5.

I send you my CMakeCache.txt file used with VTK+Carbon+Java. The files 
used with Cocoa and X11 are similar, changing only what toolkit is used.

Thanks again.

On 10 Mar 2003, Andy Cedilnik wrote:

> Hi Carlos,
> We build VTK/Java on Carbon and Cocoa every night without problems. The
> X11 will not work because your Java is not build with X11. If you build
> Java yourself, then it will work.
> What VTK are you trying?
> Also, what cache variables do you set?
> 			Andy
> On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 11:31, Carlos Martínez Burgos wrote:
> > I'm trying to build VTK with Java wrapping in MacOS X without results. I
> > have tried every option I know. I always configure cmake to build with
> > shared libraries, rendering and hybrid on and examples off.
> > 
> > I have tried to build with Carbon, Cocoa and X11 from Apple. If I use 
> > Carbon, I can get a good built, but with Java nothing is shown when I run 
> > a Wrapping/Java example. The same thing happens with Cocoa. When I try to 
> > build with X11 on, I can get a good built without Java enabled (examples 
> > run well) but when I enable Java I get errors attached.
> > 
> > I think this happens because in java vm there's nothing to use awt with 
> > X11 from Apple, only with Carbon or Cocoa. Is this right?
> > 
> > I have tried to build VTK with Java wrapping on a MacOS X many, many, many 
> > times since two years ago but never had got good results. I would very, 
> > very, very pleased if someone gives me a good tip to do it.
> > 
> > My computer is a G4 with MacOS X 10.2.4 and Java 1.4.1 DP 10 and cmake
> > 1.6.5 binaries downloaded from cmake.org. I have tried with Java 1.3 too.

Carlos Martínez Burgos      |     Instituto Tecnológico de Informática
Ingeniero Informático       |      Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Tlf: +34 963877237          |                        Camí de Vera, S/N
cmarbur at iti.upv.es          |                   46071 Valencia - Spain
www.iti.upv.es/~cmarbur     |                           www.iti.upv.es
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