[vtkusers] setting the path

Malcolm Drummond malcolm at geovision.co.za
Thu Jun 26 13:49:53 EDT 2003

Hi Nabby

Have you set your TCLLIBPATH environment variable? This needs to point to
the wrapping/vtk dir for the packages (remember / and not \ for Tcl ).


----- Original Message -----
From: "cgarcha" <cgarcha at ualberta.ca>
To: <vtkusers at www.vtk.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:21 PM
Subject: [vtkusers] setting the path

> Somehow i cant seem to set the right path for using Tcl.
> The current path is set to :
> c:/vtk/wrapping/tcl;c:/vtk/bin;C:/vtk/Examples/Build/vtkLocal/bin
> whenever i try to invoke packages in TCLSH, it gives me an error saying
> Cant find package vtk.
> i see that the files are there .. can you think of another reason why this
> wont work . Is it possible that when i am running Cmake i am doing
> wrong. If so can somebody please tell me the correct path that should be
> included while configuring files in cmake.
> I have followed all the instructions given in an article written by Rasmus
> Paulsen about instaling VTK on a Windows PC.
> I would appreciate any help that i can get.
> Thank You
> Nabby
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