[vtkusers] vtk, MFC , interaction
lydia coin
lydia_coin3d at yahoo.fr
Thu Jan 30 11:05:10 EST 2003
I got it from the nightly updates. I dowloaded it two days ago. its in the examples/GUI/Win32/vtkMFCSDI, vtkMFCMDI and sampleMFC
Nigel Nunn <nNunn at ausport.gov.au> wrote:
> Can you tell me what's wrong?
Four MFC CViews driving two 3D APIs is non-trivial :-)
As you've noticed, there are a few MFC steps required to
tie together Renderers, RenderWindows and Interactors...
and a few variations on how to do this. Which MFC example
from which version of Vtk have you used to get this far?
--- lydia_coin3d at yahoo.fr wrote ---
> In my application, I need to display 2d medical images
> (in 3 oientations) using MFC view and inventor (coin3d)
> API. in the fourth view, I need to display the 3D model
> and interact with it.
> I create a CMDIChildWnd (like for the 3 windows of coin3d)
> and add a view to it like in CVtkSDIView. at the display time,
> it displays the sphere of the VtkSDI example but if I move
> the window, the sphere disappear ( no active rendering) and
> there is no mouse interaction .
> If I create another CMDIChildWnd frame with the same methods
> and add the same view, it works for both windows. Both windows
> display the sphere and both windows accept mouse interaction
> Can you tell me what's wrong?
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