[vtkusers] Segmentation Fault

David Gobbi dgobbi at imaging.robarts.ca
Tue Jan 14 13:48:18 EST 2003

Hi Dingrong,

You can run vtk inside of gdb (e.g. gdb /data/VTK/bin/vtk)
to see what source file the segfault is occurring in.  This
may or may not help, though.

Usually a segfault like this one is caused by a either a bad
header file (or a header file from the wrong version of
VTK/python/tcl etc) or a bad library or by a .o file from
an old build being linked into a library.   If you test
your VTK setup bit-by-bit (e.g. first the C++ examples,
inside of gdb, then work up to tcl and then finally python)
you might be able to find the problem.

Also, I advise you to direct your efforts towards building
VTK 4.n rather than VTK 4.0, since VTK 4.2 is not far off
and the jump between 4.0 and 4.2 will be a fairly big one.

 - David

  David Gobbi, MSc                dgobbi at imaging.robarts.ca
  Advanced Imaging Research Group
  Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario

On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Dingrong Yi wrote:

> Hi David and Tuhin,
> Thank you again, but I am still not able to locate the problem.
> I do not know if this is relevent to my segmentaion fault. I have
> installed vtk-3.2-3.i386.rpm and ScientificPython-2.2 before
> srpc025005:/data/VTK> rpm -ql vtk
> /usr/lib/libVTKCommon.so
> /usr/lib/libVTKContrib.so
> /usr/lib/libVTKGraphics.so
> /usr/lib/libVTKImaging.so
> /usr/lib/libVTKPatented.so
> srpc025005:/data/VTK> rpm -ql ScientificPython
> /usr/doc/ScientificPython-2.2
> ....
> /usr/include/python1.5/Scientific/PyMPI_API.h
> /usr/include/python1.5/Scientific/mpimodule.h
> /usr/include/python1.5/Scientific/netcdfmodule.h
> /usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/Scientific/DictWithDefault.py
> .....
> However, I followd your suggestions and did not find anything wrong.
> (1) ldd /data/VTK/bin/vtk
> All the executables start with libvtk... are actually located at the same
> single location (/data/VTK/bin/...).
> (2) I do have two versions of python (python1.5, python2.2), but the
> CmakeCache.txt indicates only python1.5 is used for both include and
> library
> PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH:PATH=/usr/include/python1.5
> PYTHON_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib/python1.5/config/libpython1.5.a
> Each time when I compiled VTK4.0, I removed the whole directory of VTK and
> restarted from untar, ccmake, make, though did not touch the .cshrc file
> for the library path. I really could not figure out how could this have
> happened.
> Please advice me further.
> Many thanks.
> Dingrong
> On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, David Gobbi wrote:
> > Hi Dingrong,
> >
> > Checking 'which vtk' isn't enough, you also need to make
> > sure that the vtk executable is using the right .so files.
> > To do that, do
> >   ldd /data/VTK/bin/vtk  <works on Linux only>
> > and make sure that all the VTK .so files are being loaded
> > from the correct location.  If not, then add /data/VTK/bin
> > to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> >
> > Also, a big warning about using python-VTK on redhat-7.x:
> > Most redhat 7.x distributions have python2.1 or python2.2
> > as well as python1.5.  Sometimes CMake gets either
> > the python header files or the python library from the
> > 2.x version instead of from 1.5.  Load your CMakeCache.txt
> > into a text editor and make sure that all references to
> > PYTHON refer to the 1.5 version of python (or conversely,
> > make sure they all refer to python2.x and then use python2
> > to run your scripts).  Changing from one version of python
> > to another will require a clean re-build of VTK.
> >
> >  - David
> > --
> >   David Gobbi, MSc                dgobbi at imaging.robarts.ca
> >   Advanced Imaging Research Group
> >   Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario
> >
> > On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Dingrong Yi wrote:
> >
> > > Hi David,
> > > Thank you for your reply. Please continue reading.
> > >
> > > On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, David Gobbi wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi Dingrong,
> > > >
> > > > The segmentation fault might be a result of having different
> > > > copies of VTK on your system, for example on Windows if you
> > > > have DLLs sitting around from an old build, this can cause
> > > > real problems.
> > > >
> > > > Check your PATH (or under UNIX your LD_LIBRARY_PATH) to make
> > > > sure that it points to only one copy of your VTK DLLs/.so files.
> > >
> > > I am using linux. When check with which vtk, I get
> > > /data/VTK/bin/vtk
> > >
> > > Does not this enough telling me that PATH setting alright?
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Also, in future emails related to build problems please quote more
> > > > information about your system.  In particular you should defintely
> > > > give
> > > > 1) your platform (Windows, Linux, IRIX)
> > > Linux
> > >
> > >
> > > > 2) your compiler
> > > I have installed
> > > CMake1.4.6-x86-linux-static.tar.gz
> > > but when I rpm -q gcc I get
> > > gcc-2.96-110
> > >
> > > > 3) which versions of python and tcl you use
> > > python-1.5.2-38
> > >
> > > > 4) what CMake variables you have changed (e.g. for python
> > > >    builds you should BUILD_SHARED_LIBS on)
> > >  BUILD_EXAMPLES                   ON
> > >  BUILD_SHARED_LIBS                ON
> > >  BUILD_TESTING                    ON
> > >  CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX             /usr/local
> > >  DART_ROOT                        NOTFOUND
> > >  PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH              /usr/include/python1.5
> > >  PYTHON_LIBRARY                   /usr/lib/python1.5/config/libpython1.5.a
> > >  TCL_INCLUDE_PATH                 /usr/include
> > >  TCL_LIBRARY                      /usr/lib/libtcl.so
> > >  TCL_LIBRARY_DEBUG                NOTFOUND
> > >  TCL_STUB_LIBRARY                 /usr/lib/libtclstub.a
> > >  TCL_TCLSH                        /usr/bin/tclsh
> > >  TK_INCLUDE_PATH                  /usr/include
> > >  TK_LIBRARY                       /usr/lib/libtk.so
> > >  TK_LIBRARY_DEBUG                 NOTFOUND
> > >  TK_STUB_LIBRARY                  /usr/lib/libtkstub.a
> > >  TK_WISH                          /usr/bin/wish
> > >  VTK_DATA_ROOT                    /data/VTK
> > >  VTK_USE_ANSI_STDLIB              OFF
> > >  VTK_USE_HYBRID                   OFF
> > >  VTK_USE_PARALLEL                 OFF
> > >  VTK_USE_PATENTED                 ON
> > >  VTK_USE_RENDERING                ON
> > >  VTK_USE_VOLUMEPRO                OFF
> > >  VTK_WRAP_JAVA                    OFF
> > >  VTK_WRAP_PYTHON                  ON
> > >  VTK_WRAP_TCL                     ON
> > >
> > >
> > > > 5) anything else you think might be relevant
> > >
> > > When I installed Python & VTK4.n, I once forced installing
> > > Mesa-3.4-10.i386.rpm to upgrade a previous version. I followed
> > > the procedures "Installing Python & VTK  Linux RedHat 7.x"
> > > (found at http://www.imaging.robarts.ca/coders/)
> > > though my version is newer than 7.x.
> > >
> > > Thank you David.
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Cheers,
> > > >   David
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > >   David Gobbi, MSc                dgobbi at imaging.robarts.ca
> > > >   Advanced Imaging Research Group
> > > >   Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario
> > > >
> > > > On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Dingrong Yi wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Dear VTK Users,
> > > > >
> > > > > I used to work on VTK (2.4) and  I upgraded to VTK4.0
> > > > > successfully. However, just before christmas, I upgraded further
> > > > >  to a nighly released version (in order to use some great
> > > > > python classes) which gave me  segmentation error whenever I run
> > > > >  a VTK example. When installed VTK4.n, I also installed some
> > > > > packages that for Python. Python worked, but VTK4.n  did not.
> > > > > What is worse  is that now I am NOT able to
> > > > > get VTK4.0 running. I can compile the sources successfully and
> > > > > have the library files in VTK/bin, but whenever I run the
> > > > > example files or  my own working code, both will give me
> > > > > segmentation  error.
> > > > >
> > > > > Is any one have similar experience or can  give me some
> > > > > suggestions?
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks
> > > > >
> > > > > Dingrong
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > _______________________________________________
> > > > > This is the private VTK discussion list.
> > > > > Please keep messages on-topic. Check the FAQ at: <http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/vtkfaq>
> > > > > Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:
> > > > > http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/vtkusers
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > _______________________________________________
> > > > This is the private VTK discussion list.
> > > > Please keep messages on-topic. Check the FAQ at: <http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/vtkfaq>
> > > > Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:
> > > > http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/vtkusers
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >

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