[vtkusers] How to control camera?

Chunyan Jiang jiang at TI.FhG.DE
Tue Jan 7 10:23:42 EST 2003

Dear vtk-users,
I use 3 vtkRenderers to render differents objects and set them in different
viewports. I use vtkRenderWindowInteractor to rotate them. However, I can
only rotate one object in its viewport area. I can not rotate the three
object at the same time anywhere. Some one suggested me to use
SetActiveCamera for one renderer and use this renderer->GetActiveCamera() to
set the other renderer's SetActiveCamera. By this method, the
vtkRenderWindowInteractor can control all objects. Such as:

vtkCamera *camera=vtkCamera::New();

My problem is that the size of every object becomes very big. And they are
rotated not around their own centers. How can I set the size of the object
or renderer? Or should I set some properties of the camera? Any help is


Chunyan Jiang, Dipl.-Inform.,
Institut for Telematic
Bahnhofstrasse 30-32, D-54292 Trier, Germany
Phone: (+49) (0)651-97551-34
Fax: (+49) (0)651-97551-12

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