[vtkusers] About range in 3D.

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Fri Feb 21 15:20:39 EST 2003

>>>>> "OO" == 06-Olivier  <06-Olivier at wanadoo.fr> writes:

    OO> Because it is too 'flat', for a good image, I need to magnify
    OO> the Z values ( x 20 ) but while doing this the values on the
    OO> axis range ( vtkCubeAxesActor2D ) are also magnified, what I
    OO> don't want.

Well, you can try the following methods of the vtkCubeAxesActor2D


This will set the range that the axes display to what you set it to
and not use the bounds information.  This means you can scale your
data and make the axes act as if there were no scaling.

It would be nice if VTK could internally have some kind of scale
parameter that says 1 unit on the x axis equals 5 on the given data.
I am not sure this functionality exists and what would be required to
add this.


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