[vtkusers] deleting cells

Michael Bonner bonner10 at llnl.gov
Thu Dec 18 20:36:12 EST 2003


I am trying to delete a cell w/ picking (i.e. based on the cell id); what 
is the best way to do this? I would like to save the information that is 
deleted so I can later restore it.

Currently I am trying to create a new vtkUnstructuredGrid object, and 
inserting (InsertNextCell) only the cells that I want to save from the old 
obj. into this new instance. This seems to be a lot of work, especially 
because their is no sequential access to the vtkUnstructuredGrid obj. (i.e. 
GetCell(int cellid) is random access) that matches InsertNextCell (which is 
sequential). Is their an efficient way to remove a single cell from an 
unstructured grid? If their isnt is their an efficient way (not DeepCopy 
since I dont want everything) to copy the cells of one unstructured grid to 

Thanks for you time
mike bonner

any & all response[s] appreciated.

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