[vtkusers] Points within a closed surface _ vtkImplicitPolyData

Rob van Tol rob.vantol at wtcm.be
Wed Dec 10 03:11:33 EST 2003

Dear vtkusers,

I need to check wether points lie within a certain closed closed polydata 
surface. I have tried to do this using vtk, but it has not been clear to me 
what the best approach should be.
I have searched the archives and there I found remarks about a class called 
vtkImplicitPolyData, which should be able to do the trick.

My questions are:
         1) What is the best approach to find if points lie within a 
certain closed closed polydata surface ?
         2) Does anyone have this class vtkImplicitPolyData and is willing 
to share it with me ?

Best regards,


dr. R. van Tol
WTCM Gieterijcentrum
Technologiepark 9
B-9052 Zwijnaarde
tel.:0032 (0)9 2645704
fax:0032 (0)9 2645848
mailto:rob.vantol at wtcm.be 
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