[vtkusers] Running MangledMesa off-screen examples

Jenny Simpson simpson at cs.utah.edu
Tue Aug 5 18:47:01 EDT 2003

I am running Redhat 9.0 with Nvidia drivers and I built Vtk with mangled
mesa so that I could run the off-screen rendering examples in
/Examples/MangledMesa.  I followed the instructions on this page:


Vtk compiles fine, but when I run the OffScreenCone.tcl example I get a
segmentation fault.  I did exactly the same thing on an RH9 machine with
an ATI Radeon graphics card, and the result was the same so I don't think
this is an Nvidia problem.  Since I didn't get a "Command not found"
error I'm pretty sure the mangled mesa stuff is getting used.

Has anyone experienced this, or gotten it to work on Redhat 9.0?  Am I
missing an important step?


Jenny Simpson
SCI Institute
University of Utah

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