[vtkusers] problem of using vtkPLYReader

shuang shuang112 at 163.com
Thu Apr 10 04:41:12 EDT 2003

Dear all:

I'm a newcomer of VTK.I have problem of using vtkPLYReader.
I write a program to read and view the PLY model,but there is something wrong with vtkPLYReader.when I make the project,there is a make error:

    undefined reference to 'vtkPLYReader::New()'
 I installed VTK 4 correctly under Redhat8.0;
 I can complie and run the examples of VTK;
 I use cmake generate the makefile;

 My code with vtkPLYReader is as follow:
 #include "vtkPLYReader.h"
 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
 vtkPLYReader *r=vtkPLYReader::New();
 I can get the .o correctly.

 if I just define the pointer and dont allocate memory as follow:
  vtkPLYReader *r;

and use other method of vtkPLYReader such as SetFileName(),there is no error message when I build it.  

  Can you tell me the reason and how to solve it?
 Thanks in advance!

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