[vtkusers] Trouble with VRML Exporter

anast.jm at pg.com anast.jm at pg.com
Thu Sep 26 17:24:28 EDT 2002

I have a dataset of unstructured points with vertices. I render these with
PolyDataMapper okay. In parallel I use this pipeline to create a surface:

points->vtkDelauney3D->vtkGeometryFilter->vtkPolyDataMapper etc.

I can see the point cloud and the surface in my renderwindow just fine. However
when I export the render window with vtkVRMLExporter all I see is the point
cloud (WinNT- Internet Explorer with Cosmo vrml viewer, also Win98SE - Netscape
6 - Cortona 4 viewer).

The output of GeometryFilter is vtkPolyData with 7533 points, 14058 cells, 2
verts, 300 lines, 13756 polys.

Any ideas why the surface is not showing up in the vrml??

I'm not too good at reading vrml files but here's a chunk that looked
pertinent....seems like the Exporter is doing its job??   Any help really

Transform {
      translation 40 0 0    <==== I TOLD IT TO DO THIS IN VTK
      rotation 0 0 1 0
      scale 1 1 1
      children [
        Shape {
          appearance Appearance {
            material Material {
              ambientIntensity 0
              diffuseColor 1 1 1
              specularColor 0 0 0
              shininess 0.0078125
              transparency 0
          geometry IndexedFaceSet {        <=======THIS LOOKS LIKE THE SURFACE
            solid FALSE
            coord DEF VTKcoordinates Coordinate {
              point [
              10.938 -66.5 -38.219,
              10.156 -66.5 -38.219,
              9.375 -66.5 -38.219,
              8.594 -66.5 -38.219,

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