[vtkusers] Stream Tube

James C. Robinson j.robinson at kepler.ie
Mon Sep 23 06:53:45 EDT 2002

Dear All,

I am creating a stream tube using a vtkStreamLine object that gets the
output from reading a file containing a vtkUnstructuredGrid. The model is a
transient pressure model (flow through porous media) and the flows are
generated at each point in the (FE) mesh.  The problem that I am having is
that, depending on where I start the streamline, the PC jams up trying to
calculate the stream tube. This seems to be related to very small velocities
at the start point, thus meaning (I suppose) that the steps are tiny (or
erroneous, if the flow is so small that it is inaccurate due to machine
error/round off etc.)

How can I take any flow field and have the stream tube figure out itself
whether the velocities are going to be too low and whether increasing step
sizes etc (step lengths or integration step lengths) will help?



James C. Robinson, PhD,
Chartered Engineer,
Kepler Engineering Software Ltd.,
42 Rivergrove,
Glanmire, Co. Cork,

Tel:         +353-21-4822028
Tel:         +353-87-2393010
Fax:        +353-21-4822721
E-mail:     j.robinson at kepler.ie

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