[vtkusers] Help (rendering large no. of spheres)

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Wed Oct 30 00:50:23 EST 2002

>>>>> "D" == dharmendra  <dharmendra at strandgenomics.com> writes:

    D> Hello All, Well iam sending a peice of code that I have wriiten
    D> for rendering.  I think this is where it is getting slowed
    D> down.

    D> Can someone go thru the code and suggest me where Iam wrong (if
    D> at all).

I'd suggest that you post small working examples in either C++ or a
scripted language (prefferred) that require no data.  Something like
the example I posted.

If speed is bothering you so much it just might be your hardware.  If
you have a lousy video card its likely you will not get any speed.  On
my el-cheapo TNT2 M64 the example I posted is slow (with 2000 spheres)
but is definitely not "dead slow".  Besides its perfectly useable when
I switch to using vtkLODActors.  However its easy to see that if I
used a lousy card (or a very low end workstation) it would be dead
slow.  Rendering does require good graphics performance and thanks to
the gaming industry decent cards today are fairly inexpensive.


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