[vtkusers] Reading XDR data

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Thu Oct 17 09:34:04 EDT 2002

You certainly can use FILE*.
There are quite a few readers which use C style IO.
Check vtkPLOT3DReader and vtkGenericEnSightReader for


On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 09:10, Andrew Porter wrote:
> Hi all,
> Has anyone investigated/implemented an XDR reader for vtk?  I've been
> looking into it but am hitting difficulties since vtk uses ifstreams and
> the XDR library wants a FILE*. One solution would be to replace the array
> data in the vtk file with the filename of an associated XDR file. This
> would only be apparent to a 'vtkReadXDRData' routine (in analogy with
> vtkReadBinaryData).  However, it does of course break the normal vtk
> approach of including the header information and data in a single file.
> Any thoughts or suggestions gratefully received.
> Andrew.
> --
> Andrew Porter
> Software engineer, RealityGrid      Tel. :  +44 (0)161 2757184
> Manchester Computing                Fax. :  +44 (0)161 2756040
> University of Manchester            Email:  Andrew.Porter at man.ac.uk
> Oxford Road                         Web  :  www.realitygrid.org
> Manchester, M13 9PL                      :  www.csar.cfs.ac.uk/staff/porter/
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