[vtkusers] vector field

Paul A Hsieh pahsieh at usgs.gov
Tue Oct 8 19:18:37 EDT 2002

Hi Philippe: The following approach may not be the most efficient but
should work. Suppose your vectors are in a dataset call ds.
1. Create a vtkFloatArray (one component) consisting of vector norm (scalar
value) at each point. Suppose this array is called "norms".
2. Put this array into the data set as scalars. In C++, this would be
3. Use vtkThresholdPoints to extract only those points having scalar value
(vector norm) between the two desired values.
Hope this helps.
Paul Hsieh

                      Philippe Vincent                                                                                                 
                      <vphilou at caramail.com>         To:      vtkusers at public.kitware.com                                              
                      Sent by:                       cc:                                                                               
                      vtkusers-admin at public.         Subject: [vtkusers] vector field                                                  
                      10/08/2002 05:02 PM                                                                                              

Hi everybody,
I'm working on the rendering of a vector field and I've big
differences in norm between several space areas, I would
like to select and display all the vectors with a norm
between two values. Does everybody know if it's possible
with VTK (I'm using vtkglyph3D for that)
Philippe Vincent
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