[vtkusers] Bizarre Python Errors

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Wed May 1 13:31:16 EDT 2002

>>>>> "MR" == Mike Robertson <fermion at mac.com> writes:

    MR> One quick question, then: [localhost:vtk/VTK/Hybrid] root# c++
    MR> -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -g -O2

No, dont do that.  To compile the hybrid classes you dont need the
bundle option.  Bundle is necessary only for the
vtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets module.  The rest you compile as shared
libraries.  So dont do it manually.  Simply redo the cmakesetup or
whatever after turning on Hybrid, do cmake and let make build
libvtkHybrid*.so for you.


p.s. Your MayaVi segfault related questions should go to the
mayavi-users at lists.sourceforge.net mailing list.

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