[vtkusers] WG: Several Questions

Gopalakrishnan, Gowri Gowri.Gopalakrishnan at inteq.com
Tue Jul 30 05:05:00 EDT 2002

General reply to your questions.


each object is associated with an actor - you can do actor copy (similar to
cloning) , or use the same actor with different specs but they will all have
to be added to the renderer independently


look at the example : graphics/exampleTcl/textOrigin.tcl


look at the examples for pickers. (vtkpoint picker, cell picker etc) : ex:


you can zoom in and out with interactor start , but if you want to do your
own mouse , key mapping you have to specify a bit more about your working
environment so that people can help you ( ex: tcl/java/c++ or linux, unix


I know there is a way to turn the interaction off on a renderer/window, but
I am not sure if there is one for the actors. You will have to dig around a
bit in the man pages.


Finally , if you are working /starting on your own with vtk  I would
recommend you get the book The visualization Tool kit User guide. All the
questions you have asked here, you can have some sort of answers for all
these from the book and you can start out with it and as you proceed you can
ask more specific questions in the user group. This user group is very
helpful if you have a specific question/ problem, but getting started can be
quite painful with or without - so try to get the book. The only other
alternative is to get all the examples and go through them before you start
doing your stuff , to get an idea of What is possible 





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