[vtkusers] about cmake

Song Li lisong at vrac.iastate.edu
Tue Jul 23 23:33:33 EDT 2002

  Thanks for replying!!!
  Could you give me more hint on my previous question about transfer vtk
object via socket ( this is my ultimate goal for different kinds of question
these days)??
  I have a vtk object with the type of "vtkPolyData", say, the definition is
"vtkPolyData* a", if using "vtkPolyDataWriter" to write it onto disk, there
will be a vtk file with 200+ Kbytes , but if I use "sizeof *a" in the code,
it will return a value about 200+ bytes(must be the size of ASCII description
of this object),  and I can only use this number as the number of bytes
needed to be transfered in socket's read()/write(), and the vtk object at the
receiving side will cause program to crash.

I know using the number of 200+ must be wrong, but what is the way to obtain
the size of the object to be transfered ??

Thanks !!

Andy Cedilnik wrote:

> Hi!
> Internal cache entries are the one you are not supposed to change. They
> come from other sources or they are computed on when you run cmake.
> CMakeCache.txt is the only file needed to generate all the other ones.
> So, CMakeSystemConfig.cmake will also be generated when running cmake.
> When you edit cache using ccmake/cmake -i/CMakeSetup, you edit
> CMakeCache.txt.
> Hope that answers your question.
>                         Andy
> On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 22:10, Song Li wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >   Anybody familiar with CMAKE ?? I have two questions:
> >
> > 1. What is the meaning of "INTERNAL" cache entries in CMakeCache.txt??
> >
> > 2. File "CMakeSystemConfig.cmake" has many variables with the same name
> > in
> >
> >    CMakeCache.txt, if these two files have different setting, which will
> > CMAKE read ??

Song Li
VRAC(Virtual Reality Application Center),Iowa State University
Email: lisong at vrac.iastate.edu
Homepage: http://www.vrac.iastate.edu/~lisong

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