[vtkusers] Cross-Hatching & Brushes

John Biddiscombe jbiddiscombe at skippingmouse.co.uk
Tue Jul 9 16:25:37 EDT 2002

I might need to fill polygons with a particular type of cross hatching.
There are about 50 (brush) patterns on a list I've got. Fairly standard
looking things.

I'm considering making a lot of small textures out of these patterns - with
lines and transparent regions, which I think will look fine...

But...I'm going to be asked to draw stuff in particular colour, RGB each
8bit giving 2^24 combinations. Clearly I can't generate textures for each.

Has anyone tried the following and can I reliably do something like...
Make all the textures white on black, make black transparent and then colour
each polygon with a scalar and have that show through the white. I think
this ought to work, but until I've tried it, I'm unsure.

Has anyone been down this road before?


John B

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