[vtkusers] Volume Rendering Problem

TSUI Ping Tim pttsui at ee.cuhk.edu.hk
Mon Jan 28 09:11:48 EST 2002

As a new starter, I find VTK is an excellent API that is easy to use.
However, when I use it for volume rendering, I find that when I rotate the
object, the transition appears as rough blocks (I don't know how to
describe it accuratelyl in words, but you may refer
http://www.ee.cuhk.edu.hk/~pttsui/vtk/problem.html). I suppose this design
is to give the user a preview, provided that the computer is not
fast enough to finish the calculations for all voxels during the
transition. However, for my purpose, I would prefer the screen to maintain
the previous status until the final scene is carried out. 

Is there any option to disable the block preview????

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