[vtkusers] simple 2D plotting data structure

Jeff Lee jeff at cdnorthamerica.com
Mon Jan 28 07:34:06 EST 2002

look at examples in Hybrid/Testing/Tcl/xyPlot#.tcl

Robert Ellis Parrott wrote:

>I tried asking this earlier, and got no response, so I'll throw my line
>back in again. I hope it's not a completely stupid question.
>I'd like to plot simple 2D data, essentially scalar properties of a system
>as it evolves over time (energy, temp, etc. ), sorta like a strip-chart.
>I understand that vtkXYPlotActor is probably the way to go. However, I'd
>appreciate insight into what VTK data structure I should put this evolving
>data, essentially iteration #/time versus scalar value like energy,
>temperature, etc. Ideally, I'd like to plot a number of these scalar
>properties on the same XY graph.
>thanx for insight or pointers to relevant examples (beyond those of VTK).
>Robert E. Parrott
>Department of Physics
>429 Lyman Laboratory
>Harvard University
>Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
>parrott at fas.harvard.edu
>Robert.E.Parrott.96 at alum.dartmouth.org (permanent)
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