[vtkusers] vtkImageData doesnt get Colored.

David Gobbi dgobbi at irus.rri.ca
Tue Jan 15 23:02:00 EST 2002

Hi Jason,

After you pass the image through vtkImageMapToColors, the
range of the RGB image is [0:255] so you need to use


to make it display properly.

Also note that in the vtkLookupTable you should use
i.e. make the image completely opaque, this makes no difference
because the vtkImageMapper ignores the alpha value but it
is good practice because e.g. vtkTexture _does_ use the alpha.

I would even go as far as recommending that you don't use alpha
at all:

 - David

  David Gobbi, MSc                       dgobbi at irus.rri.ca
  Advanced Imaging Research Group
  Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario

On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Rodrigues, Jason (MED) wrote:

>         Hello all,
>                I am expeirnceing a strange problem at this moment. I have a
> vtkImageData object that contains pixel values ranging from 0 - 2500. I want
> to color code these values by setting different HSV values of LookUpTable.
> But that doenst happen at all. instead the image appears to be completely
> balck. further analysis of the pixels at locations X and Y would give me the
> original pixel values. (i.e 0-2500)  Can  anybody suggest the possible
> solution for the same?
> What are the alternatives to display the image using colors in a vtkRenderer
> via the pipeline of vtkImageMapper?
> I am sending a small piece of code below.
>                 vtkLookupTable LUT1 = new vtkLookupTable();
> 		   LUT1.SetTableRange(0,2500);
> 		   LUT1.SetSaturationRange(0.0,1.0);
> 		   LUT1.SetHueRange(0.0, 1.0);
> 		   LUT1.SetValueRange(0.0, 1.0);
> 		   LUT1.SetAlphaRange(0.0,1.0);
> 		   LUT1.Build();
>               vtkImageMapToColors mapToRGBA1 = new vtkImageMapToColors();
> 		mapToRGBA1.SetInput(imagedata);
> 		mapToRGBA1.SetOutputFormatToRGBA();
> 		mapToRGBA1.SetLookupTable(LUT1);
>                vtkImageCast cast1 =new vtkImageCast ();
> 		cast1.SetInput(mapToRGBA1.GetOutput());
> 		cast1.SetOutputScalarType( 5 );
> 		imagedata= cast1.GetOutput();
>                         imagedata.update();
>               imgMapper = new vtkImageMapper();
>                        imgMapper.SetInput(imagedata);
>                        imgMapper.SetColorWindow(2500);
>                        imgMapper.SetColorLevel(1250);
>                        imgMapper.SetZSlice(sb.getValue());
>             vtkActor2D actor = new vtkActor2D();
>                        actor.SetMapper(imgMapper);
>             vtkRenderer ren=panel1.getRenderer();
>                         ren.AddActor2D(actor);
>                         ren.Render();
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