[vtkusers] MacOS X compilation howto?

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Mon Jan 14 12:33:35 EST 2002

>>>>> "CMB" == Carlos Martinez Burgos <cmarbur at iti.upv.es> writes:

    CMB> Thank you William.  Even if I don't compile with wrappers, I
    CMB> still have errors. Because OPENGL library and include paths
    CMB> are not found. When I run "cmake", the file CMakeCache.txt
    CMB> has some lines with the word NOTFOUND. Then, when I compile I
    CMB> get an error because the compilation command has a -lNOTFOUND
    CMB> directive.  I suppose that this is because of the OPENGL
    CMB> missing path.

I guess you can simply remove the NOTFOUND and leave those entries
blank atleast you wont see -lNOTFOUNDs after that.


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