[vtkusers] MacOS X compilation howto?

Carlos Martinez Burgos cmarbur at iti.upv.es
Mon Jan 14 12:26:41 EST 2002

Thank you William.

Even if I don't compile with wrappers, I still have errors. Because OPENGL 
library and include paths are not found. When I run "cmake", the file 
CMakeCache.txt has some lines with the word NOTFOUND. Then, when I compile 
I get an error because the compilation command has a -lNOTFOUND directive. 
I suppose that this is because of the OPENGL missing path.

What files should I change to correct this problems? How do I have to 
change them?

Thanks again.

On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, William A. Hoffman wrote:

> Currently, no wrapped languages are working for VTK on MacOS X.  
> Tcl is close, but I don't think that anyone has even looked at Java.
> Tcl mostly works, but the TK stuff is not yet working.
> The build process is also a bit tricky.
> -Bill
> At 05:50 PM 1/14/2002 +0100, Carlos Martinez Burgos wrote:
> >Hi all.
> >
> >I have tried to compile VTK4.0 on MacOS X with Java and TCL wrappings and
> >I've got errors. Does anybody know how to do it? What files should I
> >edit to configure it?
> >
> >I haven't installed software on my computer so, could you say me which 
> >software I need in order to compile it?
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >-- 
> >----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Carlos Martínez Burgos      |     Instituto Tecnológico de Informática
> >Ingeniero Informático       |      Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
> >Tlf: +34 963877237          |                        Camí de Vera, S/N
> >cmarbur at iti.upv.es          |                   46071 Valencia - Spain
> >www.iti.upv.es/~cmarbur     |                           www.iti.upv.es
> >----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
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Carlos Martínez Burgos      |     Instituto Tecnológico de Informática
Ingeniero Informático       |      Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Tlf: +34 963877237          |                        Camí de Vera, S/N
cmarbur at iti.upv.es          |                   46071 Valencia - Spain
www.iti.upv.es/~cmarbur     |                           www.iti.upv.es

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