[vtkusers] Problem VTK4 + python 2.2

Emmanuel Olart olart at theralys.com
Mon Jan 14 06:47:22 EST 2002

this is wxPython code
wxDemo runs ok, but my code still freeze the X server

I ll try to point the problem and i ll post here the solution for other 
people that have problems to move from VTK 3.2 to VTK4

Thx for your interest

Regards Emmanuel

Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:

>>>>>>"EO" == Emmanuel Olart <olart at theralys.com> writes:
>    EO> Hummm last problem, it works, it displays the renderWindow but
>    EO> if I ever try to clik on it or to display something in it, my
>    EO> X server get killed ...
>Is this with wxPython code?  Do the other Python examples etc. run ok?
>I'll mail you my wx_vtk.py code offlist.  It works for me, hopefully
>it should work for you too.

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