[vtkusers] Problem VTK4 + python 2.2

Jose Paulo Moitinho de Almeida moitinho at civil.ist.utl.pt
Mon Jan 14 04:43:58 EST 2002


On a similar situation: <NEW> machine + python 2.2 + vtk4,  I can reproduce 
exactly the same problem as Emmanuel. But the quick check that you mention 
results in a <type 'vtkobject'>.

I discovered it because I had problems with mayavi in:

    def init_scalar_bar (self):
        "Sets up the default scalar bar."
        debug ("In LutHandler::init_scalar_bar ()")
        self.sc_bar = vtkpython.vtkScalarBarActor ()
        self.sc_bar.SetLookupTable (self.lut)

I got in the SetLookupTable command a: 
"ValueError: method requires a VTK object (in init_scalar_bar)"


Ze Paulo

On Saturday 12 January 2002 03:40, David Gobbi wrote:
> Hi Emmanual,
> ...
> At least for me, the VTK 4.X and python2.2 combination seems
> to work fine.  I built VTK with shared libraries.
> My suspicion is that if you do a "make clean" of VTK and rebuild,
> then the problem will go away.  Also make sure that CMakeCache.txt
> is pointing to the correct set of header files for python2.2.

No other python installed.

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