[vtkusers] Problem VTK4 + python 2.2

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Mon Jan 14 04:18:10 EST 2002

>>>>> "EO" == Emmanuel Olart <olart at theralys.com> writes:

    EO> vtk 4 to work together.  The only problem that was remaining
    EO> was a strange X freeze happening when displaying a
    EO> vtkRenderWindows with wxPython .

    EO> I was told to modify the vtk.py by Prabbhu anf this now works
    EO> fine

Yes, there is some bad wierdness in GTK somewhere.  I told the GTK
developers about it in a long email a while ago and nothing has come
of it yet.  I guess GTK 2.0 might fix this since they apparently have
a nice double buffered widget there.  However, you never know.
Anyway, I'm glad that your modified vtk.py works.


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