[vtkusers] vtkTkRenderWidget fails when trying to locate vtkLoadPythonTkWidget.dll

David Gobbi dgobbi at irus.rri.ca
Sun Feb 24 23:26:01 EST 2002

Hi Jeremy,

The module that it is looking for is "vtkLoadPythonTkWidgets.py",
rather than "vtkLoadPythonTkWidgets.dll".  In the VTK source code
it is located in the Wrapping/Python/ directory.

I have never tried any of the VTK 4.0 installers (I always build
from source) so I can't help you much further...  the only suggestion
I have is to do a "find" on vtkLoadPythonTkWidgets.py and make sure
that its directory is in your PYTHONPATH.

 - David

  David Gobbi, MSc                       dgobbi at irus.rri.ca
  Advanced Imaging Research Group
  Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario

On Sun, 24 Feb 2002, jeremiah newbie wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm new to the list and I'm having problems trying to install vtk
> on my windows 2000 machine.  So far I've sucessfully installed
> python 2.1 on my machine though their install program.  When
> trying to install vtk I followed this procedure:
> 1) I first ran vtk40Core.exe to install core libraries
> 2) I then ran vtk40Python.exe to install Python wrapper for vtk
> 3) I went to Les Schaffer's webpage and got his vtk4-python21-
> dlls.zip package.  I unzipped it with its directory structure,
> allowing all the files to be placed properly.  However,
> originally, his package unzips all the .dll files in a "/vtk4"
> directory.  I moved all those .dll files into the "/vtk40"
> directory where the installation programs from steps 1 & 2
> originally installed the vtk library.
> 4) I edited my registery to add the path of the "/python21/vtk"
> and "/vtk40" directories to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
> My intention is to run MayaVi from its source, so I used
> their "test_vtk.py" script to test my installation of vtk.  It can
> import the vtk library and utilize it to render a scene.  However,
> when it tries to implement a scene using vtkRenderWidget the
> scripts exits with an error.
> After looking at the script, I can see that it fails when it calls
> the "vtkTkRenderWidget()" method, because that method fails to
> load the "vtkLoadPythonTkWidgets.dll" library.
> I am completely boggled by this problem and have spent a good
> portion of the day trying to solve it.  From the installation
> information I've found on this newsgroup's archies i seem to be
> doing the right thing, so I don't know where to begin.  Any help
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Jeremy
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