[vtkusers] vtkPolyDataReader and OutOfMemory errors

Gili junk at bbs.darktech.org
Thu Feb 21 14:20:41 EST 2002


	I am attempting to load a 400MB (ASCII) or 200MB (Binary) DataSet of lines 
and no matter what I do vtk dies on "cannot allocate new memory" errors. I have over 1 
GIG of virtual memory available to it, which it does not use. I have 256MB physical 

	What's going on? Isn't vtk suppose to be able to analyze massive amounts of 

	Also, my dataset consists of over 33,000 different lines but I want to load them 
all from a single data file. Is it possible to have multiple POINTS, LINES statements in a 
PolyData file? or must one combine them into one? If they must be combined into one, 
how does one denote a break in a line? Meaning: when I am listing points that make up 
the line (in the LINES statement) I want to stop one line and begin a new one. I tried 
multiple POINTS, LINES statements in the past but it lead to seemingly random errors 
and I never got it working properly.

	I would appreciate your help in this matter.


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