[vtkusers] Runing tcl scripts on W2K

Kevin Wright krw at viz-solutions.com
Wed Feb 13 14:54:26 EST 2002

>Under Windows 2000
>If I run Wish and source Decimate.tcl I get the following error.
>% invalid command name "vtkPoints"
>I guess I have to set paths and environment variables up.

Assuming you're running VTK 3.2, you need to have vtktcl.dll and vtkdll.dll 
somewhere on the search path for dynamic libraries.  This includes the same 
directory as the executable (in this case Wish), the system directory 
(c:\WINNT\System32) and every directory in the PATH environment 
variable.  What's most likely happening when it hits the line:

catch {load vtktcl}

is it's failing, but not complaining because of the catch.  If you're not 
sure whether this is the case, take out the catch and I think you'll see it 
complaining that it can't load the library.

If you're using VTK 4, I assume its the same problem, but I believe the 
library names are different in 4.0 (I haven't made the jump yet, so I won't 
be much help).


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