[vtkusers] Is it possible to replace DrawingSurface in vtkPanel.java?

Jeff Lee jeff at cdnorthamerica.com
Fri Feb 8 15:56:59 EST 2002

Hi Lichan,
It has already been changed in vtk4.x.  It now uses JAWT.

Hong, Lichan < @parc.xerox.com=""> wrote:

>DrawingSurface, a deprecated API of Java, is currently used in the sample code of vtkPanel.java.
>It appears that this API has been dropped from JDK1.4 (I tried to compile my Java code with
>JDK1.4.0-RC this morning and the compiler cannot find class DrawingSurface). 
>Has anyone figured out how to replace DrawingSurface in vtkPanel.java? If so, how?
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