[vtkusers] Slicing performance in TCL

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Wed Feb 6 09:18:02 EST 2002

>>>>> "OV" == Oliver Vidovic <ovidovic at medipattern.com> writes:

    OV>  I am trying to optimize the performance of a small TCL
    OV> application. The application slices the data across one of the
    OV> axes (for example, across z axes - in x-y plane). This
    OV> application will later be used in an orthogonal data viewer.
    OV> My problem is that the usual pipelines work fine for small
    OV> vtkStructuredPoints data (64x64x64). But once the data becomes
    OV> larger (eg.  512x512x100), then user interface is not
    OV> responding in real-time any more.

    OV>  Any suggestions on how to do it?  I tried vtkImageReslice,

You could read the very nice FAQ entries here:


and here:


Another way to improve performance would be to throw more hardware at
the problem. :)


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