[vtkusers] RFC: vtkNURBSSurfaceSource

Tuhin Sinha tk.sinha at vanderbilt.edu
Wed Dec 18 11:01:44 EST 2002

Hello all,

  I have been working on a vtkNURBSSurfaceSource class.  The class is derived 
from vtkPolyDataSource.  The purpose of the class is to generate a tesselated 
NURBS surface based on a set of control points.  The class is, in general, a 
wrapper around the NURBS tesselator in GLU v1.3.  The class is mostly 
complete and as such I wanted to gauge the VTK community's interest in the 
class and allow for comments on its desired behavior if it were to become a 
part of the distribution tree.  I don't think the source tree has something 
like this and I think it might benefit from it.

  Those familiar with the GLU NURBS tesselator should note that I have 
implemented the following methods:
	Set/Get {U|V}KnotVector
	Set/Get NumberOf{U|V}ControlPoints
	Set/Get SamplingTolerance
	Set/Get ParametricTolerance
	Set/Get {U|V}Step
	Set/Get {CalculateTextureCoordinates}

  I plan on adding methods to automatically calculate periodic knot vectors 
for a desired continuity between control points.  Any and all comments are 
welcome.  Thanks for your time.

Tuhin Sinha
Graduate Research Assistant
Vanderbilt University, Dept of BME

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