[vtkusers] Wrong extent after SetInput

Florian Schmidt mista.tapas at gmx.net
Wed Dec 4 13:22:00 EST 2002

On Wed, 04 Dec 2002 19:17:27 +0100
Benjamin King <benjaminking at web.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm doing some volume rendering and the source for the mapper is a 
> vtkImageCast object. When my program is started, vtkImageCast has a 
> generated volume (built with vtkImageEllipsoidSources, 
> vtkImageMathematics and vtkImageGaussianSmooth) as its input.
> The user can load a volume from disk (using a vtkImageReader2). When I
> change the input of the vtkImageCast to this reader, the extent from
> the old volume is kept. Thus the mapper draws only a portion of the
> input.
> If I destroy the mapper and generate a new one after the input to 
> vtkImageCast changed, all works as expected.
> This problem has been mentioned by a few people on the list, but I 
> couldn't find an answer.

Can't you use SetExtent or something similar?

mista.tapas at gmx.net

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