[vtkusers] Visual Studio .NET (VC7) SLOW versus VC6

ROSHTO GUY-CSES66 G.Roshto at motorola.com
Wed Dec 4 12:13:42 EST 2002


I have been successfully using vtkDelaunay2D that took 24 seconds to render
when I compile  vtkNightly using VC6.  When I compile the same vtkNightly
under Visual Studio .NET (VC7) it takes * EIGHT MINUTES * to render.

If I break into the process while debugging it ALWAYS stops in 
	void vtkDelaunay2D::CheckEdge(vtkIdType ptId, double x[3], vtkIdType
                              vtkIdType p2, vtkIdType tri)

which is being called from a for loop in the Execute() function.

Does anyone know why VC7(either release or debug) would cause such a
dramatic speed reduction?

-Guy Roshto

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