[vtkusers] Re: VolumePro example - it doesn't work

Lisa S. Avila lisa.avila at kitware.com
Mon Oct 29 01:13:50 EST 2001

Hello Fabian,

If you have VTK built with tcl, try this simple test:

vtkVolumeProMapper m
m Print

What type does m think it is? (printed at the beginning) If it is a
vtkVolumeProMapper, then something is wrong with your build. If it is a
vtkOpenGLVolumeProVG500Mapper, then things built OK. Then ask

m GetNumberOfBoard

This should return a 1 (at least). If not, then it is not correctly
detecting the board. Determining which of those two problems (build or board
detection) is you issue will help me to suggest a next step.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Fabian Härle" <fabian.haerle at web.de>
To: <anast.jm at pg.com>
Cc: "VTK users mailing list" <vtkusers at public.kitware.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 5:20 AM
Subject: [vtkusers] Re: VolumePro example - it doesn't work

> Hi John,
> thanks a lot for your answer.
> > Fabian, have a look at  \vtk\contrib\examplesTcl\volProSimple.tcl
> I tried the example tcl file, but it doesn't work. In the meanwhile I
managed to change one of the c++ volume examples to use the
volumePro500Mapper. Both the tcl and the c++-volume example only display an
empty window with coloured background.
> Do you have an idea, why this doesn't work? What else can I try?
> The VolumePro standalone examples run without any problem - the
volumePro-Card seems tu run...
> Thanx for your help,
> Fabian
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