[vtkusers] About Reading unstructured PLOT3D file

Wonjun Lee wlee at ecn.purdue.edu
Sat Oct 6 21:11:15 EDT 2001

Hi guru,
My name is wonjun who is looking for the method to read in some odd files.
Those files are fflow which is solution file, and fgrid file which is a
unstructured tetrahedral file.
When I use 'vtkPLOT3DReader', it can read but it never works. I think this
is because 'vtkPLOT3DReader' can read only 'structured' file.
I read in like this.

vtkPLOT3DReader reader
  reader SetXYZFileName "../data/x38.b4.fgrid"
  reader SetQFileName "../data/x38.b4.fflow"
  reader SetScalarFunctionNumber 153
  reader SetVectorFunctionNumber 210
  reader DebugOn
  reader Update

And if I read my grid file by using 'vtkUnstructuredGridReader', it does
not recognize my fgrid file.
I read like this.

vtkUnstructuredGridReader reader
    reader SetFileName "../data/x38.b4.fgrid"
    reader SetScalarsName "scalars"
    reader Update
    set valuerange [[reader GetOutput] GetScalarRange]
    set minv [lindex $valuerange 0]
    set maxv [lindex $valuerange 1]

I don't know why 'vtkUnstructuredGridReader' could not read in my file.

fgrid file is not image file.

Anybody can help me for this problem?

Please give me any comment about this if you had problems for this.

I really love to hear from you, guru.

Thank you so much.


P.S. If you need additional information to give me some suggestions,
Please let me know..

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