[vtkusers] Flip normals

Nils H. Busch nilsb at cns.mpg.de
Mon Oct 1 06:01:44 EDT 2001


is there a way to flip the normal direction after running
vtkMarchingCubes ? I have seen such a flag for vtkPolyDataNormals, but
as far as I can see the normals generated from vtkMarchingCubes are kept
in vtkPointData and I can't think of a way to flip them there (except
traversing the list).

Thanks for any advice.

 Best regards,
                                         Nils H. Busch

    Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
    Phone:                     ++49 (341) 9940-234
    Fax:                       ++49 (341) 9940-204
    E-Mail:                       nilsb at cns.mpg.de

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